What is Skills.net? Skills.net provides free or affordable access and training of the Internet to those Victorians who wouldn't otherwise have such access. Skills.net, a $5 million program, is creating a network of more than 100 community-based centres throughout regional Victoria. There are already Skills.net Centres located across Victoria, from Mallacoota to Moreland to Meridith. Swan Hill Community House was successful in obtaining $10,000 funding which will allow us to be part of this exciting project. We will be targeting 120 people to be trained over the coming 2 years, with the first session being held on November 10 and once a month thereafter.
|  | Swan Hill Community House |

Local State Government member, Mr Barry Steggall, officially opening the Skills.net Program 
Skills.net Project Worker giving a short overview of the the Program. 
Enjoying lunch and discussing the Program with guests. |