INFORMATION/REFERRAL: We have a very comprehensive list of resources and information about the many services available within Swan Hill and surrounding areas. We have many brochures and booklets available free for you to take and/or browse.So, if we are unable to assist you, we will happily refer you to the appropriate agency. CHILD CARE: We are a registered child care centre and offer quality child care for just $2.50 per child per hour on Friday mornings from 9am to 12noon. The Centre operates under the Child Care Regulations and our staff are Police checked and trained in their duties. We have a qualified level 2 First Aider at the house at all times. PLAYGROUP: We meet every Thursday morning from 10am to 12 noon during the school term. Some fun activities include: Painting, playdough, cut & Paste, storytime and much more. Tea and coffee for the parents and drinks for the children are provided. This service has been temporarily suspended but we do hope to restart it in the near future. NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP: This is a support group for families, parents or singles concerned with family values and life issues in general. Each term we compile an agenda of different activities including outings to the Art Gallery, cooking, Internet sessions and much more. All welcome! MEN'S GROUP: A support group for men of all ages. We meet every second Monday evening from 6.30pm to 9.30pm GROOVY GIRLS: This is a modelling & Deportment Program for young teenage girls which runs for eight weeks and culminated in a Certificate Presentation and Fashion Parade.